Monday, 10 February 2014

Start of the Hackathon about Water and Sanitation

Hello again from Maputo!

After an exciting first week with many different workshops prepared and executed by the BLOOM volunteers and a relaxing weekend in paradise Inhaca Island, we are back to work in Chamanculo.

The hackathon about water and sanitation started today. We have people from all different kinds of backgrounds: locals from Chamanculo, who actually face the problems we want to solve every day, students from the university of Maputo, who study IT or sanitation and are part of the groups to implement a possible solution and people from ASSCODECHA, who are involved in the solution finding process for many years already and are therefore experienced and able to give critical inputs. Also we, the SGT course participants, will form an own group, communicate with the other groups and are very curious about they defining the central problems and possible solutions.

We started with getting to know each other, defining the problems by creating problem trees, which actually turned out to be a quite hard task, because all causes, problems and consequences are linked and build more a network than an actual 'problem tree'. For sure the locals gave us a lot of input and ideas to work on! The last part of the day we learned more about different projects of World Bank realized with technologies and mobile applications around the world. In the end Jean introduced an idea about how to deal with the big problem of waste in Maputo using mobile applications, but also gather information via free calls and texts from locals. We had a very interesting first day of the hackathon and are curious about different and innovative solutions from the teams.

Brainstorming about problems
Development of our problem tree
Hackathon, first day
Our problem tree
Presentation from World Bank
Young people training dance in ASSCODECHA

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