Sunday, 6 April 2014


This time we had a longer brainstorming meeting to get our further directions and actions concerning our final product. This final product will be a guide to "train the trainers", e.g. ASSCODECHA activists (but in general the goal is to design the guide for a broader target group, i.e. everybody, who is able to read and motivated to organize and solve problems) to create an atmosphere, in which problem solving becomes motivating and fun.

We refined our project plan and schedule and about our guide we decided on following goals:
  • delivery to ASSCODECHA, Taksvärkki and Aalto
  • format will be a printed ABC step-by-step guide from easy-to-organize (A) to more difficult to realize (C) solutions as well as one booklet, which describes the C-solution (e.g. hackathon) more extensively; we will publish it in the internet via website and maybe a video
  • the final language of the product will be English and Portuguese
The ABC solutions seemed to be a good idea to get people motivated in the first stage. If organizing a hackathon sounded like a too difficult task for somebody, he/she could start with organizing a smaller event, e.g. workshop about a certain topic. If this approach works, then the level of difficulty could raise and the person tries a B approach, until finally the C step is reached. About the actual content of the A, B and C steps we will discuss in our following meetings.

Furthermore, to work more effectively on the different tasks, we assigned project managers to every to-do on our list. Now it is all about summarizing our earlier research and pick the important parts that shall end up in our guide!

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