Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Time for feedback, planning & work

Yesterday we met with the mentors of the course for a project clinic. We discussed how far we had come, what our focus is now and how to proceed to make our final product, report and presentation. What the outcome should be is not very strictly regulated by the course; there are only some guidelines the headings that have to be included in the final report. In our specific case we got the recommendation to include the background information and research that we did on water and sanitation even though we in the end product chose to have a wider scope than that. Another thing said during the meeting was that we should try explaining why we chose some methods for participatory processes and why we left others out. 

For the final presentation the mentors encouraged us to be creative and try to have interaction with the other students of the course. One thought was that we could test one of the methods for problem solving on the students of the course during the final presentation in order to make presentation attractive, interactive and interesting. For the final presentation the university has invited guests invited from NGOs, the Finnish foreign ministry and we were also welcome to invite more people that might have an interest in these topics.

We felt like we got good feedback on the project clinic and we also got compliments for being a dynamic group. It was nice to hear and to feel that we are on the right track!


Today we had a breakfast meeting where we figured out what content we want in our final report. We organized who should write what and where, and what sections we should write together. We renamed some of the headings so it follows a more scientific format that we found would be easier to understand. Until next week we will make drafts for the final report and the final products. The deadline that we decided on is 24.04.2014 and in before that there are Easter holiday. In order to enjoy some holidays as well we will try to use our time efficiently and now continue working!

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